This manual is over 90 pages of content for you to explore each of the 9 subject areas at home with your kids or in the classroom. It is designed to support educators using ‘Mission China’ as a resource for their students learning Mandarin and about Chinese culture. It contains detailed instructions and specific information relating to all aspects of ‘Mission China’. It is, however, designed to be used as a guide only, encouraging teachers to use it as a ‘springboard’ to delve into subject related topics and vocabulary. Teachers are encouraged to extend and adapt the range of comprehensive activities to best meet the needs of their individual students and context.

Activity Guidance
Each content area has two to three activities within the printed pack and guidance for the teachers on how to set up, run and deconstruct each activity. Deconstruction typically takes the form of a discussion and suggested questions have been provided. However, like all the material contained in the pack, these are completely optional and may be substituted for any other questions or activities teachers feel would be more appropriate for their students’ needs.
Many activities have differentiation guidance, with options for lower and higher ability students. Please note, however, that all activities may need differentiation depending on the needs of individual students.
The ‘Awesome Agent Skills’ activities are more challenging tasks and are designed to extend students’ skills. They may also be used to follow on from the main activities once students have mastered the skills needed to complete them. These may also be used as differentiation for higher ability students.
Skill Building Activities
These activities are essential for students to build a range of skills beyond their language abilities and cultural knowledge and are directly aligned with the Culture Agents’ Global Competency matrix. No timing has been set on these activities as they are essentially ‘expandable’ and could be run, for example, from one hour to half a day!
Culture Crafts
Project-based learning has many benefits for students and can do a lot to support the knowledge and understanding of what students are covering within the language and cultural curriculum. Each section, therefore, has a suggested craft activity with guidance on how to set it up, run it and deconstruct it for students to reflect upon.
Resource Sheets
These have been designed to support the activities or are needed for students to participate in the activities. They can be downloaded and printed or projected in the classrooms as necessary. Additional resources may be added at the teacher’s discretion.